Inspection Reports
Independent schools are inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate approximately every three years, alternating between Regulatory Compliance Inspections and Integrated Inspections.
Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection
Our most recent full inspection in 2022 was a focused compliance inspection which was combined with an inspection of educational quality. All key compliance standards were inspected in detail and the school met all regulatory compliance requirements.
The Inspection Report stated that “the school strives to encourage pupils to become responsible and confident young people who live up to the school motto I can and I will.” This is an opinion with which we whole-heartedly agree. We are enormously proud of our children, and it is they who drive us to ensure that St Faith’s is the happy, inspiring and innovative school that this inspection report recognises.
What they say about our school
- The school strives to encourage pupils to become responsible and confident young people. In discussions pupils reported that they feel strongly motivated always to try their best and consequently they have the determination to succeed.
- Pupils are effective learners and their positive attitudes are actively promoted by senior leaders
- Senior leaders place high priority on creating a school environment where pupils feel happy and secure.
- Pupils demonstrate an excellent standard of moral development. The strong pastoral care which they receive encourages them to be polite and well mannered. The prevailing culture within the school is one of mutual respect and tolerance.
What they say about our pupils
- Pupils’ considerable successes are supported by encouraging teaching…pupils have excellent attitudes to learning and exhibit a genuine willingness to engage with their teachers.
- Pupils approach their lessons with great enthusiasm and a willingness to work…pupils settle to work purposefully and calmly as a result of the positive relationships between the pupils themselves.
- Their considerable success is a result of the evident ethos of working hard, following clear instructions and having their progress closely monitored by teachers.
- Pupils are happy and safe within a stimulating environment.
- Pupils achieve highly in their entry examinations to the senior schools of their choice and are successful in gaining scholarships. This reflects the dedicated work of the school to promote the pupils’ all-round education.
- All pupils speak with confidence to their peers and adults alike because they are given many opportunities to make presentations in lessons and to wider audiences.
- Attitudes to learning are excellent. Pupils exhibit excellent levels of attainment of knowledge, skills and understanding…and develop strong communication skills, applying and extending them in many areas of learning.
- The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent. Pupils are relaxed, polite and well-mannered and demonstrate a deep respect for others.
- Pupils willingly follow the school rules which encourage them to be safe, kind, honest, the best they can be and to make wise choices.
- Pupils exhibit complete commitment to the school motto I can and I will, important attitudes which prepare them well for their future.
- Pupils’ achievements are excellent both in and out of school…because they are actively encouraged to develop their individual strengths and passions.
- Pupils of all ages develop strong study skills and work well collaboratively. Across the school, pupils exhibit high levels of cooperation in their shared learning.
What they say about our staff
- The caring nature of the school is promoted consistently in all aspects of school life and in particular by the staff, who act as excellent role models. Pupils know that if they have any particular worry, anxiety or weakness, they will be supported to overcome it.
- Pupils exhibit excellent reading and writing skills because of the effective support for different abilities and the emphasis placed by leadership and management on monitoring individual progress.
- Pupils exhibit strong positivity which is nurtured through the aims of the school’s Language of Learning. This is an everyday common set of goals for pupils and staff which is embedded in the culture of the school.
You can read the full report here: