Ski Trip 2024
Wednesday 20th March: Day 5
Mrs Woodhead’s Blog
All of our groups have reached new heights today and Mrs Coombs looks quite exhausted after trying to keep up with them all! She has covered over 14km today, according to Strava.
Last evening saw a return visit to the ‘park’ (actually a field) with more catching practice, ice-shop building and scavenging amongst the popular activities. Despite the best efforts of the staff, we have not been able to purchase an extra ball anywhere locally. Even when I asked in the sports shop, I got an incredulous look! I think I confirmed the traditional French opinion that the English are mad.
Crêpe-making was our activity last night and I am sure you have noticed the exciting flavour combinations chosen by our children. Even the staff were surprised and said they had never seen anyone make such unusual choices before. While waiting for their turn, several people came to Mrs Coombs’ hair salon for plaits. She claims to be ‘no good’ at plaits but evidence suggests otherwise. Oddly, no-one volunteered to plait Mr B’s hair.
After a stomach-settling hot chocolate, everyone retired to bed a little later than usual and no-one was awake until just before 7 this morning – a record!
Eric’s and William’s group both went up on the Pontillas lift and the former skied lots of green routes – quite incredible progress in just a few days! Meanwhile, William’s group went right over the mountain to try out more jumps and their first blue run. Lionel’s group tackled the legendary Casse de Boeuf today, the black run closest to our hotel and also climbed to the highest point in Serre Chevalier.
Spending a week together has meant we have all discovered new things about each other, ourselves and life in general. Here are some of the week’s revelations so far:
- Flora does amazing French plaits on herself
- Remi thinks having two skis makes everything too easy (so he dropped one off a lift)
- Roxi is a secret speed demon
- James is just too fast (for everyone except Imogen)
- Molly: I may actually be slightly brave
- Imogen: It is possible to ski for several days without having to go to hospital
- You can get homework from ski school
- The French eat a lot of bread.
- Alice: If I am laughing too much from falling over, I can’t get up.
It’s off to the ‘park’ again now, fajita’s for supper then some games this evening. We can’t believe there are only two skiing days left!