St Faith's Prep, Ash near Canterbury, Kent

Science and computer science

STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and maths) is key to life in the modern world; therefore by the time children reach the Upper School, we devote the equivalent of two hours a week to Science and one hour to Computer Science.

In Science the children build upon the firm foundations of the lower school and extend their knowledge through lessons that include as much practical science as possible. Developing a curiosity and love of the world around us is fun and the subject often asks some deeper questions about why things are the way they are and how we, as humans, relate to this. Prediction, fair testing, observation and drawing conclusions are skills that we nurture in our youngest children and develop as they progress though the school.

The Computer Science curriculum is full of challenge and enjoyment. From the early years half of the time is devoted to programming, with children progressing from sequencing on iPad apps and using the programmable toys, using Scratch in Year 1, the introduction of robotics in Year 2, though to writing Android apps in Years 5 and 6. The children also use programmes to present work, manipulate images, sample and sequence sound and design and print 3D models.

Our plans in Science and Computer Science often include solving real-word problems, combining aspects of STEM to add relevance: growing resilient and thoughtful individuals.