Superheroes in the Lower Nursery


In Sandcastles Nursery, the interests of our children are of the upmost importance. With this in mind, this term in the Turtle Room, we have been planning the children’s activities around the topic of Superheroes! After lots of brainstorming and careful consideration, we incorporated Superheroes into each area of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), and to ensure the children receive a balanced and varied curriculum.

On our first day back after half-term, the children were introduced to our new classroom mascots! Our Turtle room mascots are… ‘Captain Kind Hands’ ‘Lilly Listening Ears’ ‘William Walking Feet’, ‘Timmy Tidy Up’ and last but not least ‘Indigo Inside Voice’ We believe it is essential for our children to understand the need for empathy towards others, learn to be safe in our classroom environment, and to create a happy atmosphere where we can all learn and achieve. By incorporating these important areas of learning into classroom mascots, it generates an excitement and interest among the children, and creates the engagement needed to help our children remember the important classroom boundaries with ease.

Our next activity was a Superhero obstacle course for the children! This involved our children having to ‘save the day’ by helping the teddy find his Mummy Ted. They had to run, crawl, balance and jump their way around the course, carefully navigating the obstacles from start to finish. This activity helps children develop their gross motor skills within the area of physical development, as well as enhancing their listening and attention abilities by following instructions.

After our tasking obstacle course, we settled back into the classroom with a lovely Superhero sizing activity, this allowed our children to develop their mathematical language as they placed our Superheroes in size order from biggest to smallest! They also took part in pencil control and cutting activities, this time to enhance their fine motor skills, and later they learnt our ‘Five Superheroes Brave’ song, and listened to a variety of different stories involving heroic characters.

It is highly rewarding to see the children so engaged with this term’s theme, and with another week to go on our Superhero topic, we have many more fun experiences for our children to participate in. In particular, we will be focusing on our emergency services, our unsung superheroes of the community! We hope the children will develop an understanding of the importance of their work and how they really do save the day!