Carroty Wood – Year 5, Day 2

Tuesday 4.10 pm

I know you will be eagerly awaiting the next blog, but to date we have only received photographs…and here they are! Mr Groves has spoken to the staff and all is well, they are very happy, busy, team building and having a whole lot of fun! More to report here later.

6.20 pm

After a good first night’s sleep, the children, as promised, were woken up by their personal 6ft 6 alarm clock and some dance moves. This was a slightly nicer alarm call than the fire alarm that was set off by some burning toast (we know not to trust some of our children as toast monitors tomorrow!).

With the sun shining and everyone in fine spirits, we set off for today’s activities of abseiling, bushcraft skills, archery and BMX riding all fuelled by a delicious lunch of chicken burgers.

When discussing the children today, the standout feeling amongst the staff is pride. It has been an absolute joy to watch these children push themselves to their limits and beyond. From children who have been able to ride a bike for the first time to children (and a certain Mrs Fidock!) hurling themselves off of 9 meter abseiling wall when even the thought of climbing up the ladder seemed impossible. Every child has shown an amazing ‘I can and I will’ attitude. We certainly feel very proud of and inspired by these amazing young people.

Mr Andrews.