A STEAM day for Nursery

Although the Upper Nursery children may be little and only at the start of their education they too enjoy being part of our regular ‘STEAM’ days. They began the session by reading the familiar story of The Three Little Pigs and discussed which house the children thought would be the strongest. Inspired by this much loved story the children split into groups and ventured out into the Nursery garden to work together to build their own houses using sticks, straw and wooden bricks. The children had the opportunity to try out different methods of building and were resourceful when manipulating play-dough and clay to help them piece the houses together. These activities promote individual, personal, social and emotional development which is one of the ‘prime’ areas of learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage, alongside ‘communication and language’ and ‘physical development ‘. The excitement and thrill on their faces was apparent when observing the children as they blew the sticks and straw houses down.

This week we will venture down to the nature garden where the children will be able to compare the structures they made with the permanent ones that have been constructed in this fabulous area. The children love hiding in the hay house and the willow arch is a perfect place for a story in the Autumn sun.

These fun and exciting activities support development in the many areas of learning through play and experiences.