
Maths is marvellous at St Faith’s Prep! With well-qualified and dynamic teachers, we take time to get the basics right so the children have a strong foundation on which to build their knowledge.

It starts with basic number skills gained through play in the foundation stage. As children progress up the school, our robust calculation policy carefully builds on skills, matching increasingly complex strategies to the children’s natural development. Weekly mental arithmetic practice papers or listening activities assist rapid recall of concepts and children can earn a series of certificates with daily mental maths and times tables sessions.

Weekly doodlemaths games and activities on iPads helps consolidate learning in a fun personalised way and there are plenty of enrichment activities through our gifted and talented weekly sessions and mathematics days in school, along with able maths days in the local area and entry in both local and national competitions including the Maths Association’s Primary Maths Challenge.

Children move at different rates, and swift intervention supports children to optimize learning.

All this culminates in high calibre learning and very good success rate in local grammar school entries and competitive entrance exams and scholarships to local independent secondary schools.