Ski Trip 2024
Sunday 17th March: Day 2
Mrs Woodhead’s Blog
It’s shower time at Serre Chevalier, which can only mean that it is time for a round up of the day’s news.
Everyone fell gratefully into their beds yesterday evening and, after a chapter or two of a selected book from a member of staff, settled quickly to catch up on some much-needed sleep. Only a few people woke unprompted this morning but, after some gentle encouragement, everyone made it down to breakfast for 7.30am and made light work of the wonderful spread of cereal, bread, meats, cheeses, yogurt and fruit, not to mention the croissants of course.
There was a bit of time to relax in our rooms before getting kitted out for the first day on the slopes. Everyone looked very professional, even those of us that had absolutely no idea what we were doing. The instructors quickly took everyone up the slope a little way for the initial assessment session and in no time everyone was gliding elegantly up the slope on the button lift and skiing equally effortlessly down again (or so it seemed). Meanwhile, Mr Burrett and I were left at the bottom to work out what to do for ourselves. After experimenting with an exciting variety of different techniques for falling over and stopping (skiing off the edge onto the grass was a favourite), we were rescued by the return of Mrs Coombs, who very patiently explained the basics (several times in my case) until we could both stay upright for enough time to move independently and stop, as a bare minimum. This major (and exhausting) achievement heralded time for a coffee stop to observe the much more rapid and competent progress of the children.
Returning in time for a lunch of delicious jacket potatoes, everyone had the chance to cool off (no, not joking – it was really warm today) and rest a little, ready for another session on the slopes. Raring to go, everyone was dressed ready for a slightly earlier session to make best use of the snow. Mrs Coombs set herself the challenge of following the most advanced group, instructed by Lionel. It has to be said that her route before could be described as a little ‘ Messi’ but she did manage to capture some fantastic pictures before definitely not getting lost. The children returned buzzing with tales of their adventures, with falling over a common theme. This has prompted the inaugural St Faith’s Ski Sunday Awards:
“More down than up” award – Roy for a range of impressive falls including nutmegging Safiya and a classic ‘Snow Angel flip
Most Graceful Fall – Molly for gliding down the bank
‘Pride comes Before’ Award – John for arriving on the lift shouting ‘ Yo Bro’ then forgetting to get off and face planting onto the snow.
Strictly Come Dancing Award – Alice for not managing to stop and having to be swung round by the instructor.
The Domino Award – Imogen for falling backwards into Harry while queuing and having to be rescued by April
The Flamingo Award – Safiya for falling one-legged into a bush.
Most Complicated Fall – Flora for skiing round the corner, over the grass then going over a bump, flipping one ski high into the air and landing face down in the snow.
Mr Bounce Award – Leo and Henry for falling and getting straight back up.
Other highlights of the day were Evie’s consecutive disagreements with a lump of grass and a heap of snow; Ashmie’s inability to get to her feet despite pole rescue attempts from both Harry and James; and Mr Burrett only narrowly avoiding his first ski jump when he found himself heading rather too quickly for a ramp being built by another group’s instructor.
Despite all the apparent disasters, everyone is actually full of smiles and laughter again this evening and no-one has complained of so much as a bruise; maybe we have the soft snow to thank for that. It will soon be time for another delicious supper and then we are having a quiz tonight. Full of ‘ I Can and I Will’ attitude and with none of them beginners any longer, your intrepid children are excited about tackling new challenges tomorrow.