Upper School
After making an outstanding start made in the Lower School, by the time they reach the Upper School at St Faith’s Prep our confident boys and girls are ready to take on new challenges.
They are increasingly pro-active learners, and so the Upper School is all about investigating and exploring. We expect them to challenge preconceptions, ask questions, debate. They work collaboratively and alone, discovering the difference it makes to their grasp of subjects across the curriculum. Increasing independence is balanced by increased responsibilities. Growing self discipline helps them develop a strong work ethic, and we really admire both for their own behaviour and the care of those around them. They are also self discipline, which leads to a growing work ethic. Our specialist teachers help channel all this positivity into grasping more complex concepts and strategies, building day by day to a broad and thorough understanding.
The breadth of the curriculum in the Upper School remains wide, and there are endless opportunities for our children to benefit from activities and options outside the core curriculum. However, we are also mindful that many of our oldest boys and girls are working towards senior school entrance exams, so a carefully balanced programme ensures that our boys and girls are prepared, relaxed and confident when the time comes. The enviable results achieved speak for themselves. And no matter where they go for the next stage of their education, we know they will take their places with the confidence inspired by our school motto, I Can & I Will.