Lower School
The Lower School is where our students’ formal education begins. You only get one chance to start children off on the right foot, and we take it! It is harder for a child to catch up a poor beginning later on.
So most importantly, life in the Lower School is fun. We ensure the environment is everything it can be, a warm and friendly place where our boys and girls have a strong sense of belonging, within their class, their house and their school. We want our children to run into their classrooms expecting to have an amazing day, and to carry that enthusiasm into everything they do. They are encouraged to explore and investigate, to keep asking questions and challenge ideas, and to understand that getting things wrong is all part of getting things right.
We introduce them to healthy competition, and encourage pride in their achievements. From the very start we start children on solid groundwork in Maths and English, but life in the Lower School is far broader, with emphasis on a wide range of subjects and helping children understand how we all fit into the wider world.
From our very youngest children in Reception, we are seeking to create eager and pro-active learners. Our learning support and gifted and talented programmes both ensure that at any point, every child is supported and challenged to be happy and fulfilled, and to live the school motto, I can and I will.
Find out how our children develop in the Upper School.