Why World War Two Inspires Us All

At St Faith’s in Year 5, the children have been fascinated by our research into World War Two which has helped not only to inform them of this fascinating period of our history, but also inspire them.

With thought-provoking discussion, they have imagined, empathised and investigated the experiences of individuals impacted by the conflict. Reading fiction about the subject and questioning authentic sources such as film and radio footage, has allowed them to immerse themselves in this topic, which gives us such a lot to consider in our History and English lessons.

We have been developing our writing in both English and History as the children write home to their parents, once they have imagined themselves as the evacuees who were moved out of large cities in 1940. Using a multi-media approach of radio and television footage, alongside some drama, has encouraged the children to really empathise with the complexity of evacuation before they begin to write.

One class member even brought in his great-grandfather’s watch to share with the others.  A special treasure which brings to the forefront of our minds, all of those who gave so much for our freedom.