Autumn Twilight Concerts
As the Autumn terms draws in, our Twilight Concerts are more ‘twilight-y’ than they are in the Summer Term! With two Twilight Concerts a term, these are the first of this academic year, and give our children a chance to take part in solo performances as well as with some of our many school ensembles.
We host two concerts on one night, the first starting at 3pm and featuring our Lower School children. With a jam-packed audience of parents and grandparents, the programme featured a range of soloists playing piano and drums, as well as singing performances. A pretty daunting prospect, particularly when you’re only small and you look up and realise how many people are listening to you!
Since September, the Year 1 & 2 Recorder Club and the Singing Club have both been taking place at 8am as opposed to their lunchtime slot of previous years. This has proved hugely successful with a grand total of 37 children taking advantage. Fitting them all on the stage was a feat in itself! They were joined on the stage by some of our Year 6 children who volunteer their time to help the children practise, support them on stage and usher them into their positions.
The later concert begins at 5pm show and is a chance for our Upper School to showcase their talents. It was also an opportunity for our Year 3-6 Recorder Club, Orchestra and Wind Orchestra to give their first performances of the year. There was a really impressive standard on show, particularly given that at the start of term (a mere 4 rehearsals ago!), none of the children had played the music before. We had an exceptionally strong Year 6 cohort leaving us last term with our violin, cello, guitar, percussion, saxophone, clarinet and bassoon sections all losing excellent musicians, so it was all the more pleasing to see how well the ensembles performed. As usual, there were also some super solo performances with singing, musical theatre, cello, piano and drumming.
Congratulations to all the children who took part and also to your families for supporting the concerts. Music at St Faith’s is continuing to go from strength to strength and we look forward to more concerts and performances after half term.