Discover St Faith’s Prep – a virtual tour
Visiting a school is all about getting a sense of the people and the atmosphere. You will enjoy a guided tour, speak to the members of staff who will be guiding and nurturing your child, see our children at work and play and chat to current parents to get an insider’s view of our lovely school.
During lockdown, when people were unable to visit us in person, we put together a series of videos for anyone who wanted to find out more about St Faith’s. Although we are now open to visits once again, these videos are still available, and we hope will give you an idea of the happy, nurturing and creative community of learners we have at St Faith’s Prep. Teachers, parents and children have kindly filmed themselves, mostly from home, sharing their thoughts and experiences on our exceptional school. We hope they go some way towards helping you see yourself here! Scroll down to see them.
Meet our pupils and parents
Next we invite you to hear from current pupils and parents who will tell you what being part of the St Faith’s community means to them.