St Faith’s Eco Warriors!

The Eco Warriors from Years 2-6 have been helping to take care of the local bird population by regularly putting out food and water on our bird table which is next to Guildford Hall. They keep a bird feeder and a suet store topped up in one of the trees too. Unfortunately, though we know they are eating it, we don’t actually get to see many birds or indeed squirrels enjoying the food, as they don’t seem to want to hang around at playtimes – I can’t think why!

This term, we were lucky enough to receive a surprise gift from Hazel, Miss Groombridge’s mum – a rather lovely looking bird bath, which has a little feeding station on top. Thank you Hazel!

We have put the bird bath on the grass beside the roadway that exits the school from the playground. Mr Clark told me that he often sees a robin and a squirrel around there and we are hoping to get a sighting of them at some stage. Year 2 children, our youngest Eco Warriors, have been tasked with topping up the bath and putting down feed every Friday and have done a smashing job so far. We are sure that the birds will be very happy to make use of our facilities, when the frosty weather sets in.